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Transportation Technology
07 November, 2020: By Ajoy Maitra

Technologies are modernizing the advancements with effective integration of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence, paving way to a new future for the generations to explore. A revolutionary change in industries has followed the increased adoption of digital technologies in transformational growth of world economy to cope up with the downturn of COVID pandemic exhaustion. Transportation is no expection to such a revolution that would be impacting the economic growth in a near future.

As per a Global Research Firm, though the internet penetration has been a major concern in the developing and under developed countries, they noted that,

...the global smart transportation market is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9% and be worth USD 116.85 Bn by 2023.

Internet of Things (IoT) has been widely re-innovating the forefront of technology as AI and Machine Learning evolves into automating work culture as well as providing smart solutions for daily lives of people. A report of Business Insider, on Internet of Things, noted the growth of IoT devices form 8 Billion in 2019 to 41 Billion by 2027. An insight into Iot, extends the outlook of digital transformation that can change the transportation services of the world to a next level never explored before in the past decade. Further on such an evolution, report stated,

By integrating all of our modern day devices with internet connectivity, the IoT market is on pace to grow to over $2.4 trillion annually by 2027.


Drones and On-Demand Services

Drone Technology

Drone technology has a wide reach from common usage to defence utilities and has the potential to modernize advancements with unbounded capabilities. Airbourne drones, enhanced with functionalities as GPS tracking, autonomous flight and carrying capacities can serve wide range of tasks in an efficiently cost effective manner by improving speed and safety. It has major potentiality in logistics and on-time delivery skipping the traffic conjestions. Scanning the QR codes and tracking through GPS, drone can perform real-time processing of routes along with autonomous delivery system requiring no manual intervention.

Unmanned aerial technology in drones has the demonstrated ability to deliver life saving equipments maintaining a robust supply chain management by ensuring - moving temperature sensitive cargo, restocking essential medicines, and other service facilities. As tested by the Government of Malawi and UNICEF, it provides a corridor for industries, universities and individuals to open up the areas of application emerging the drone technology for humanitarian and development work.
Noted in a research report by Ark Invest,

...parcel drones could deliver packages profitably for only $0.25. Given frictionless and inexpensive delivery, consumers probably would buy many more goods online, growing ecommerce's share of retail sales from 14% in 2019 to 60% in 2030.

Autonomous Cars

Autonomous Cars

Autonomous technology has been a state-of-the-art technology with the latest evolution of advancements made by the giant manufacturers as - Tesla, BMW, Mercedes Benz and others, integrating machine learning modules in training video feed datasets to provide real-time neural abilities for enhanced accuracy. Tesla with the reveal of latest AI training supercomputer - DOJO, has unlocked the potential of automation through continuous unsupervised trainings over a repeated driving path to capture nooks of every roads and enhance the machine learning to be able to control with accuracy. Similarly, Mercedes Benz's extended partnership with NVIDIA has the set goal to remove barriers of Artificial Intelligence by making the virtual concept of autonomous driving come to reality.

Flying Vehicles

Skydrive Flying Car

Flying car concept has been mostly experienced either in gaming or in futuristic movies animated to reality. However, at the latest news release by Skydrive, a Japan based company providing urban air mobility solutions, has conducted a public demonstration of a flying car model SD-03 on 25 August, 2020. The computerised and manned vehicle had successfully circled a field for 4 minutes thereby striking a progressive view to the transportation mode. Stated by the CEO, Tomohiro FUKUZAWA,

We aim to take our social experiment to the next level in 2023 and to that end we will be accelerating our technological development and our business development.

A flying car as a normal mode of transport hopes to restructure the car manufacturing to a whole new level ensuring fast paced lives of the next-generation.

Hyperloop Travelling Technology

Hyperloop Technology

Cities connected with an ultra-fast travel pod known as 'Hyperloop' is a concept developed by the Tesla and SpaceX Founder, Elon Musk, addressing it to be a "fifth mode" of transport in addition to cars, planes, boats and trains. The concept of Hyperloop follows a high-speed transport system reaching a speed of around 750 Mph, which has the potential of covering a distance of 380 Miles - 610 Kms, in just 30 Minutes.

Revolutionizing the next-gen transport facilities, such has a cost effective integration that can counter demands for flight travel, with an offer of just $20 for a one-way journey. TUM Hyperloop had set a new record in a SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition by breaking a previous record of 284 Mph to the current record of 288 Mph.

Innovating such a technology concept to reality, countries have been competing on being the first one to implement. However, UAE and Abu Dhabi, on aiming to reduce carbon emissions, Dubai's trade facilitator - DP World has introduced Hyperloop One DP World Cargospeed as an international brand for hyperloop enables cargo systems. Latest in June, 2020 UAE has demonstrated a prototype pod with a promise to provide uninterrupted car parking facilities in addition to the supersonic travel. As stated by the Co-Founder and CTO of Hyperloop One, Josh Giegel,

We're going to create a seamless experience that starts the moment you think about being somewhere - not going somewhere...